Dip Powders are easy to apply at home without the costly tools, drills, and lamps used in salons. By using a series of glazes that are topped off with a Seal Protect and glossy Top Coat, you can achieve a glamorous at-home manicure with the classic look of professionally-applied acrylics, without the added weight or potential damage to your nail beds. The best part is, dip powder can be applied on both the natural nail or with an artificial tip! 

This post is your new step-by-step guide on how to achieve your own DIY Dip Powder manicure for both natural nails, as well as on your artificial nail tips!

Don't know where to begin or what products you should invest in for the perfect dip manicure? You can count on us! The Kiara Sky Dip Powder Color Starter Kit is an excellent option for those of you just beginning to use Dip Powder. We also have a French Dip System for classy Dip Powder french tip application that is just as easy to use!

Our all-inclusive color dip powder professional nail kits come with everything you need to get started all in an easy-to-use packaging. Whether you’re looking to create stunning dip designs or beautiful full coverage looks, we’ve got you covered! 

Each of the glazes in our Dip Kit systems are numbered on the side of each bottle to help remind you of the order to apply them in so you can get your dip application down to a science! Until then, follow this guide so that you first dip application goes as smoothly as possible.


Before any service, always make sure that your client’s hands, as well as your own, are properly sanitized! Even when applying a Dip Powder manicure at home, we recommend always beginning with fresh, clean hands.

If you are applying dip to natural nails, begin by prepping the nails. Start by pushing back the cuticles to remove any dead tissue on the nail. Afterwards, remove the shine from the natural nail using a hand nail file and shape the nail into your desired shape. Focus on the cuticle and edge of the nails during this step!


Once you have your nails prepped and ready to go, you are ready for step #1 in your new Dip Kit! Go ahead and grab your Bond and apply it to the entire natural nail. Applying Bond is an essential step as it will dehydrate the nail and remove any excess oils that could cause lifting.


Next, grab your Base, and apply it to 3/4ths of the nail. When applying the Base, you always want to make sure that you are applying a thin, even layer so that the application is nice and smooth.

Dip the nail into Natural (D400S) Dip Powder that comes with your Dip Kit! The Natural powder is important for building up the strength of the nail. Be sure to dip the nail into the powder a 45-degree angle and then brush off the excess powder with our Dip Powder Dust Brush. Using a soft, fluffy brush to remove the excess powder after every dip will help you to apply these thin and even layers to build up your flawless nail look!


Next, select the Dip Powder color you would like to use! Use your Base a second time and apply it to the nail, just a hairline away from the cuticle. PRO TIP: Have your Dip Powder ready to go because the Base dries quickly. Dip the nail into the color powder a 45-degree angle once again. You might find it easier to shake the powder from side to side slightly to allow the powder to fall onto the nail instead of pushing the nail into the powder. Dust off again with your fluffy brush!


Pick up your Base once again and apply it to the ENTIRE nail, and dip once more into your color. You’ll notice that with each layer, you’re getting closer to the cuticle. This is done to prevent the cuticle area from getting bulky which could cause lifting of your manicure. PRO TIP: Always brush parallel to the nail to ensure the brushes don’t poke or indent the powder for a smooth, perfect application every time!


Now you can proceed to your clear layer! The clear powder is extremely important to your dip application because it will protect your gorgeous color pigments when it is time to file the nail. 

This step is completed using the Kiara Sky Dip Powder Recycling System. This Recycling System will help to prevent any cross-contamination of other colors with your clear powder.

Apply your Base to the entire nail once again, grab your clear powder, and gently pour it over the nail, allowing the excess to be collected by your Recycling System. You can then reuse the excess powder and use the scoop to pour over your next nail! 


Once the clear powder has been applied it is time to apply the Seal Protect in your Dip Powder Starter Kit; this bottle is labeled as #3. Seal Protect is going to activate your powders. Without Seal Protect, the nail will never dry properly. You’ll know the first Seal Protect layer is dry when you tap on it. If you hear a little click sound when you tap on your nail, you’ll know the nail is dry and you can move onto the next step!


File, shape, & buff the nail! If you don’t have a professional nail drill, not to worry! This step can be achieved using a medium-grit hand file and a buffer block! Once you’re happy with the shape of the nails. Wipe them down with a little bit of alcohol to remove the excess dust from filing!


Go ahead and grab your #3 Seal Protect once more and apply a second layer onto the nail. It is extremely important to rub this into the nail with a lint-free wipe and remove any excess Seal Protect during this step. We do this for two reasons: 1) This second layer of Seal Protect will add shine when the Top Coat is applied to the finished manicure and 2) the interaction between Seal Protect and the Dip Top Coat could cause your Top Coat brush to harden and become unusable! 


Finally, apply your #5 Dip Top Coat that comes in your Kiara Sky Dip Powder Starter Kit in quick, thin strokes and allow to dry! Apply a second layer of Top Coat and allow two minutes to dry. Before returning your Top Coat brush to its original bottle, wipe it clean with a lint-free wipe to make sure you're keeping it free of debris and avoiding contaminating your glazes.

STEP #10

Last off, take the #6 Nourish Oil in your kit and apply it to the cuticles and massage it in!

And Violà! Your Dip Powder manicure is complete with just 10 easy steps!

Dip Powder manicures are a great option for a flawless nail look that you can achieve at home with your Kiara Sky Dip Kit, medium grit file, and just a little bit of DIY gusto that we know you’ve got! With enough practice, you’ll be able to get your application down to a quick 15 minutes, a bargain for such effortless and gorgeous looking nails!

Need inspiration? Check out the Kiara Sky Nails Youtube Channel and tag us on Instagram @KiaraSkyNails in all your gorgeous Dip Powder Manicure looks! We cannot wait to see the nail masterpieces you create using KS Dip Powder!

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